Monday, October 20, 2014

For Everything There is a Season

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven." As grey skies begin to outnumber blue, the last read and gold leaves cling to bare branches, and crickets have quieted their nightly chorus, it is becoming evident that a new season will soon be upon us. Though we know what to expect from the icy bite of winter each year, sometimes seasons come upon us and we find ourselves quite unprepared for what lies ahead. Such was the case a few years ago in my own life. Thankfully, God always has a path prepare for us and He reminded me of that with three simple words... 

Walk, Watch, Wait

While on a camping trip with my family, I had an opportunity to go for a run along an unfamiliar stretch of the Great Allegheny Passage. As I laced up my running shoes, my mind raced with anticipation of the beautiful scenery that I knew lay ahead of me. Little did I know that in addition to the breathtaking landscape along the trail, the Lord had a message for me.

Wildflowers flanked both sides of the trail and the air was filled with the songs of birds. The sun dappled the trees and the cool freshness of the morning awakened my spirit. This quiet stillness of dawn was just what I needed to prepare my heart for prayer. As my family stood on the cusp of a new season in our lives, my heart was heavy with anxiety, worry, and fear of the unknown.

My daughters were heading off to Kindergarten, and I was forced to redefine myself as I let them go. The thought of coming home to an empty house each afternoon conjured feelings of loneliness and I wondered how I was going to fill the time until they came home each day. These and other uncertainties kept my mind spinning and I woke up many nights with feelings of heaviness and a sick stomach.

As I continued along the trail, I poured out my heart to God and lay at His feet all of my cares and concerns. The trail twisted and turned as it followed the snakelike path of the Youghiogheny River. The bends in the trail made it impossible to see what lay ahead, forcing me to focus on the path at my feet. That's when the Lord wrote His loving message on the tablet of my heart. Walk, watch, and wait.

I had been so caught up wondering about the future, that I hadn't done what God had called me to do right then, which was simply walk. Press on, move forward, and continue in the direction He had pointed me. There were no decisions or plans to be made. The Lord simply asked me to go on with Him, one little stretch at a time. The path was clear and straight before me. Daily time spent reading His word and in prayer would keep me from veering or turning around.

As I continued on, the Lord also asked me to watch. There were bends in the road ahead, but I was not to focus on them. If I did, I would miss the beauty that was already surrounding me. He wanted me to breathe in the fragrance of the wild flowers, listen to the songs of the birds and the crickets, and enjoy this stretch of the trail upon which I walked. I was to take in all that was going on around me and watch for what He was doing in my life at that time.

A bend in the trail loomed ahead and the unknown lurked around the corner, but for that the Lord simply said wait. Just wait and rest in Him. Thankfully, He knows what lies ahead for me and He has already taken care of it all. He prepared the path and He will lead me down it. Side by side He walks with me over every bump and along every twist and turn. My Companion knows the way, knows what is ahead, and will make sure I am prepared for it all.

The next day, I turned my first corner. I didn't know what it looked like on the other side, but I was certain that it would be beautiful and there would be a loving hand waiting to hold mine and lead me down the next section.

"The path of a righteous man is ordered by the Lord and He delights in his way." Psalm 37:23

By Shannon M. Nass

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