Monday, October 6, 2014

A Very Present Help

God loves His children and is intimately acquainted with all of our ways.  He promises to be a very present help in our hours of need and is there when we call out to Him. No need is too great or too small for Him to meet.  He's proven Himself faithful to me in this area and He wants to do the same for you.  Be blessed!

In His Care

A few year's ago, my husband’s job required him to work ten days straight with no break in between.  No break for him meant no break for me.  As a stay-at-home mother of four-year-old twin girls at the time, my days were filled with activity so any respite I received was welcomed and appreciated.  The thought of ten busy days ahead with little to no quiet time was daunting to say the least.  However, as with all things, I entered into it with prayer and trusted that God would be my strength. 

The first week went by smoothly for the girls and me as we got together with friends and enjoyed spending time out of doors.  By day seven; however, my grace and mercy towards my children was waning along with my strength.  I was just plain tired and the tiniest little indiscretion on the part of my children set me off.  The three of us were missing my husband and we were all displaying it in different and unsavory ways.  

After shamefully raising my voice at them, I realized that what I needed was a little break from the action.  I asked them for their forgiveness, and then asked God for His forgiveness and strength to finish the day.  Shortly after my outburst, the Lord put it upon my heart to go for a run on the nearby walking trail.  Running has always been a way for me to alleviate stress and reconnect with my heavenly Father, but I was so tired that it was the last thing I wanted to do.  However, He kept pressing it upon my heart and before I knew it, I had my running shoes on, the jog stroller in the trunk, and the girls loaded in the backseat on the way to the trail. 

After running the first mile, I could feel the stress melting from my body and my mind.  It was a beautiful afternoon with the sun shining, a cool breeze blowing, birds chirping, and the newly blossomed honeysuckle assaulting our noses with its heady fragrance.  Before long, the rhythm of the stroller combined with the fresh air and cool breeze lulled my girls to sleep.  I finished up my last mile, and then slowed down to a stroll and enjoyed the blessed quiet time.  It was then that I realized what God had in mind for me all along.  

While a run wasn’t even on my radar, He knew it was just what I needed to restore my soul.  I walked and talked with Him, thanking Him for the much needed break in the middle of my day.  I marveled at how He knew just what I needed, when I needed it.  He embraced me in the beauty of His creation and I drank in the sights, sounds, smells, and most importantly, His love. 

According to the world’s standards, I’m pretty insignificant, but God showed me on that trail that I matter to Him. The Creator of the universe searches my heart and knows me intimately.  He comes to me in my time of need and is there for me when I cry out to Him. 

I will never forget that afternoon with my God, enjoying His presence and drawing from His strength.  He refreshed my spirit, renewed my mind, and bathed me in His forgiveness, mercy, and love.  Since then, I've learned to lean more fully on Him and dwell on His grace, mercy and loving kindness, keeping in mind that He is dwelling on me and that I do not go by unnoticed by Him.  

He loves all of His children this way and He longs for us to come to Him and drink deeply from the living waters.  Seek Him and you will find that He is already there waiting to meet your needs and display His love to you.  Run to Him.  He is waiting for you with open arms.  

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.  He makes me to lie in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.  He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”  Psalm 23:1-3     

By Shannon M. Nass

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