Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Time Keeper

As we go about our days with one eye on the clock and the other on the tasks at hand, time can seem to be slipping through our fingers as we face busy days and full schedules.  When I start to feel overwhelmed by it all, I stop, reflect, and refresh myself in the One who holds time in His hands. God's got it covered and He will equip us to do what He has called us to do.  Rest in Him.  His timing is always perfect!

Alignment Of Your Times 

Hear God's Word for you in Psalm 31:15. "My times are in your hands." And in Daniel 7:25. "He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws." And in Revelation 1:8. "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."

Let God bring your spirit, soul, and body into alignment with His divine time. Choose to stay in the present tense of God's time. Be blessed as you understand the wiles of the enemy to change God's times (Dan 7:25). Ask God to deal with all warping of your time. Be blessed in every part of your spirit to be in harmony with God's time. Ask Him about time, timeliness, and bringing time into alignment, so that you stand in His victories and the breakthroughs already won. 

Be blessed with lining up with your birthright and with God's divine time, so that no portion of your being or spiritual identity or inheritance is out of kilter. God who is out of time can keep your spirit, soul, and body in right relationship to the flow of his days for you. Anticipate His timing on your coming and going. Be blessed to see His fingerprints upon everything that concerns you. If it concerns you, it concerns Him. Look for and receive His nurture, and grow and increase and be strong in all that your Father has for you to receive. You have worked hard over time to overcome brokenness. Trust God to propel you forward, because He is nurturing your whole being. Fragmentation is a thing of the past as God brings all of you to full stature, as Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. Be blessed with being whole in every part: spirit, soul, and body.

Be blessed to know the fullest dimensions of what God has placed inside you. Be blessed with knowing your identity in Christ for such a time as this. Understand what your Father designed you to do and how He wants to implement your gifts to accomplish that work with authenticity. He is mentoring and coaching you in the completeness of Christ's likeness. Be blessed with receiving that spiritual deposit now. You have a powerful destiny and purpose. He is guiding and equipping you to demonstrate his magnificence. 

Recognize that God's hand is on every circumstance of your life, as He gives you opportunity to learn and to express all of Himself in you. Be blessed as you accept the giftedness He has placed in you, and know that you are a gift from Him to all the people in your circle of influence. Be blessed today in God's redeemed time. He made everything beautiful in His time.    

Be blessed in the name of the Alpha and Omega, with whom time has no beginning or end (Rev 1:8).

Reprinted with permission from From Seek Him Meet Him weekly online devotional, © by Sylvia Gunter, The Father's Business, P. O. Box 380333, Birmingham, AL 35238, www.thefathersbusiness.com.  Email: info@thefathersbusiness.com

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